Witness007 (Q) " He can't prove he was not involved....they have no evidence HE was involved. How can he be on death row now?
The Rebel (A) Because the death penalty in America, is not only for people who have been convicted beyond doubt, REASONABLE doubt is enough"
Well done Dr Phil for starting your new series a week early to highlight this case. Well done Richard Branson for taking out a Full Page spread in the Oaklahoma newspaper and taking the time to appear on T.V yesterday voicing your concern.
This case has huge holes in it. Please read my earlier post today for clarification on that. I also find it discusting that in January Richard was 3 hours from the needle. Two weeks ago once again 3 hours from the needle. And yesterday 1 minute from the needle. Now it's all scheduled again for November 6th.
In America 156 people have been exonerated from death role since 1975 ( Souce death penalty information centre)
The Rebel.